GingivaGen Gingival Expansion Paste
GingivaGen Gingival Expansion Paste Instruction for use: Retraction Paste is a neck expanding agent. It has an expanding effect on the gingiva. Indication: It is used for healthy periodontium, marginal gingival retraction, and blood stopper. Contraindication: GingivaGen contains kaolin and aluminum chloride. It should not be used in patients sensitive to these substances. It should […]
DentapressA Putty Type A Silicone Impression
DentapressA Putty Type A Silicone Impression Instruction for use: Fast hardening, thick-consistent 1st measurement material for the double measurement technique. DentapressA Putty is used together with DentapressALight and DentapressA Medium Super Hydro as the 1st measurement material for the double measurement technique. DentapressAPutty is an excellent kneadable measurement material based on additional silicone. It is […]
DentapressA Monophase – Type A Monophase Silicone Measurement Item
DentapressA Monophase – Type A Monophase Silicone Measurement Item Instruction for use: DentapressA-Monophase is an automatic mixing additive silicone-based measurement material with a medium fluid consistency. Indication: Crown, bridge, inlay, and onlay measurements. Function and feeding measures, Implant or transfer measures Measuring spoon and adhesive: Solid metal or plastic measuring spoonshould be used with DentapressA-monophase. […]
DentapressA Medium
DentapressA Medium Instruction for use: Quick-setting hydrophilic less fluid (correction) 2nd measurement material for single and double measurement techniques. DentapressA Medium is an additive silicone based polyvinyl correction measurement material with low fluid viscosity. It can be applied directly to the tooth or measurement spoon with an Atomix cartridge, without bubbles. DentapressA Medium Super Hydro […]
DentapressA Light
DentapressA Light Instruction for use: It is a fast hardening hydrophilic, fluid-consistent correction measurement material for the double measurement technique. This feature provides exceptional measurements in the subgingival area or in other moist environments. Despite its low viscosity, it does not flow when used with an additional silicone-based putty measurement material. It can be applied […]